结晶器钢水液位自动控制 是连铸生产的关键技术之一,对减轻工人劳动强度,提高生产效率,提高铸坯质量和产量,减少溢钢、漏钢,提高炼钢具有十分重要的意义。 钢水倒入结晶器内,为了防止溢流,必须保持钢水液面稳定,否则在浇铸过程中, 如果 铸坯铸坯渣 的关系 如下: 经验液位铸坯表面当 波动大于10mm时,铸坯 纵向裂纹的产生率达即波动直接影响铸坯。 系统原理
式钢水液位 计系统 。结晶器液位 ,不检测结晶器熔剂车上 传感器在使用过程中由压缩空气冷却。
在结晶高频励磁绕组, 产生的高频磁场在钢水表面感应出涡流,形成磁场,感应涡流高频励磁绕组,使高频励磁绕组的阻抗发生改变。在绕组的条件下,线圈阻抗变化只与钢水液面,只要 检测到高频绕组阻抗内钢水液面的变化。
结晶器液位自动控制系统的检测端为 ① 电涡流位移传感器,利用通电线圈与金属导体之间的涡流互感效应来检测距离。电涡流传感器的有效信号经 ② 结晶器液位计电路放大、线性化处理,将结晶器钢水液位0~150mm的变化转换成4~20mA.DC的标准信号,然后传送给 ③ 控制计算机,完成数据处理和系统控制功能。还可通过 ④现场操作显示控制面板对执行机构进行手动、自动控制,由 ⑤ 执行机构控制挡块的开度,实现钢水液位的自动控制。
4 现场操作显示控制面板;
The functions of the system also include: display and record of molten steel level, nozzle opening and casting speed; setting of molten steel level and nozzle opening; alarm of molten steel level at limit value etc.
In addition to taking the detection of molten steel level as the main feedback signal of the control system, the control system also considers various interference factors that have an impact on the level control. These interference factors include:
1. The influence of the change of the flow characteristics on the control system after the melt loss of the stopper
2. The influence of the weight change of molten steel in the tundish on the control system
3. The influence of the change of the casting speed of the continuous casting machine on the control system
4. The influence of the mold width change (the mold width is adjustable) on the control system
5. The influence of the vibration frequency and amplitude of the mold on the molten steel level gauge
The fIn order to overcome these disturbances, the mold. A. A of thechange compensation of casting speedcastingIn order to reduce the frequent action of the stopper, the system adopts the intergarting time change of the controller, and automatically selects a longer intergarting time when the molten steel level fluctuates light And the system will choose a shorter intergrating time when greatly. Igauge, which can overcomemold.
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