Become a SocialMedia Evaluator
Whatexactly is a social media evaluation job?
As an evaluator, your job isto analyze if the content, images, video, and/or advertising is relevant toyou.
Working part-time from home,you will check newsfeeds and search results using a specialized tool from Appenand provide ratings and information about the content that you see.
Youdirectly help to improve the quality and creditability of information thatmillions of people see.
No experience isnecessary, all you need is:
What to expectwhen you register:
About Appen
Appen collects and labels images, text, speech,audio, video, and other data used to build and continuously improve the world’smost innovative artificial intelligence systems. Our expertise includes havinga global crowd of over 1 million skilled contractors who speak over 235languages, in over 70,000 locations and 170 countries, and the industry’s mostadvanced AI-assisted data annotation platform. Our reliable training data givesleaders in technology, automotive, financial services, retail, healthcare, andgovernments the confidence to deploy world-class AI products. Founded in 1996,Appen has customers and offices globally.
Why Appen?
You enjoy competitive pay and benefit fromhaving no set work hours or schedules. You will have the flexibility toschedule your hours to fit your lifestyle and to work around your career andfamily demands. You have the freedom to choose when and how much you would liketo work.
“A diverse, inclusive culture is vital toour mission of helping build better AI. We offer opportunities for individualsof all abilities and backgrounds.”
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